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B??dy podczas zmiany skryptu
Autor Wiadomość

Pomógł: 1 raz
Posty: 20
Wysłany: 16-11-2014, 22:37   Błędy podczas zmiany skryptu

Witam. Podczas próby przenoszenia bazy danych z phpBB2 do Przema wywaliło mi kilkadziesiąt błędów. Po wgraniu plików zarówno forum, jak i portal nie działają prawidłowo.
Adres forum:
Lista błędów:
DROP TABLE phpbb_topic_view
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_topic_view'
DROP TABLE phpbb_ignores
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_ignores'
CREATE TABLE phpbb_advertisement ( id mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, html text DEFAULT '' NULL, email varchar(128) default '' NULL, cli[...]
Niewykonane - BLOB/TEXT column 'html' can't have a default value
ALTER TABLE phpbb_ignore RENAME phpbb_ignores
Niewykonane - Table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_ignore' doesn't exist
CREATE TABLE phpbb_mass_email ( mass_email_user_id mediumint(8) default '0' NOT NULL, mass_email_text longtext default '' NULL, mass_email_su[...]
Niewykonane - BLOB/TEXT column 'mass_email_text' can't have a default value
CREATE TABLE phpbb_pa_settings ( settings_id int(1) NOT NULL default '1', settings_dbname text NOT NULL, settings_sitename text NOT NULL, se[...]
Niewykonane - BLOB/TEXT column 'settings_dbdescription' can't have a default value
CREATE TABLE phpbb_sessions_keys ( key_id varchar(32) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, user_id mediumint(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, last_ip varchar(8) DEFA[...]
Niewykonane - Table 'phpbb_sessions_keys' already exists
CREATE TABLE phpbb_themes_name ( themes_id smallint(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, tr_color1_name char(50), tr_color2_name char(50), tr_c[...]
Niewykonane - Table 'phpbb_themes_name' already exists
DROP TABLE phpbb_cat_rel_cat_parents
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_cat_rel_cat_parents'
DROP TABLE phpbb_cat_rel_forum_parents
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_cat_rel_forum_parents'
DROP TABLE phpbb_chat2box
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_chat2box'
DROP TABLE phpbb_chat2box_session
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_chat2box_session'
DROP TABLE phpbb_counter
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_counter'
DROP TABLE phpbb_junior_auth_panel
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_junior_auth_panel'
DROP TABLE phpbb_quickstats
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_quickstats'
DROP TABLE phpbb_rate_results
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_rate_results'
DROP TABLE phpbb_rate_config
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_rate_config'
DROP TABLE phpbb_rate_result
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_rate_result'
DROP TABLE phpbb_rate_config
Niewykonane - Unknown table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_rate_config'
ALTER TABLE phpbb_album_cat ADD cat_parent mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER cat_id
Niewykonane - Duplicate column name 'cat_parent'
ALTER TABLE phpbb_album_cat ADD cat_type tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0' AFTER cat_parent
Niewykonane - Duplicate column name 'cat_type'
ALTER TABLE phpbb_banlist DROP ban_by
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'ban_by'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_banlist DROP ban_reason
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'ban_reason'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_categories DROP parent_forum_id
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'parent_forum_id'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_categories DROP cat_hier_level
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'cat_hier_level'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums DROP forum_hier_level
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'forum_hier_level'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums DROP forum_issub
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'forum_issub'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_forums DROP auth_rate
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'auth_rate'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_jr_admin_users DROP start_date
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'start_date'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_jr_admin_users DROP update_date
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'update_date'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_jr_admin_users DROP admin_notes
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'admin_notes'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_jr_admin_users DROP notes_view
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'notes_view'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_pa_settings ADD directly_linked int(5) NOT NULL default '0'
Niewykonane - Table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_pa_settings' doesn't exist
ALTER TABLE phpbb_profile_fields ADD prefix varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
Niewykonane - Table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_profile_fields' doesn't exist
ALTER TABLE phpbb_profile_fields ADD suffix varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
Niewykonane - Table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_profile_fields' doesn't exist
ALTER TABLE phpbb_profile_fields ADD editable tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL
Niewykonane - Table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_profile_fields' doesn't exist
ALTER TABLE phpbb_profile_fields ADD view_by tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
Niewykonane - Table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_profile_fields' doesn't exist
ALTER TABLE phpbb_search_results ADD search_time int NOT NULL
Niewykonane - Duplicate column name 'search_time'
ALTER TABLE phpbb_sessions ADD session_admin tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
Niewykonane - Duplicate column name 'session_admin'
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP custom_form
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'custom_form'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP can_custom_form
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'can_custom_form'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP page_avatar
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'page_avatar'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_traffic
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_traffic'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_allow_sig_image
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_allow_sig_image'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_allow_signature
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_allow_signature'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_posts_per_page
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_posts_per_page'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_topics_per_page
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_topics_per_page'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_hot_threshold
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_hot_threshold'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_sub_forum
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_sub_forum'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_split_cat
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_split_cat'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_last_topic_title
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_last_topic_title'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_sub_level_links
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_sub_level_links'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_display_viewonline
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_display_viewonline'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP view_ignore_topics
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'view_ignore_topics'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users DROP user_showavatars
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'user_showavatars'; check that column/key exists
ALTER TABLE phpbb_users_warnings ADD warning_viewed smallint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
Niewykonane - Duplicate column name 'warning_viewed'
ALTER TABLE phpbb_shoutbox DROP sb_username
Niewykonane - Can't DROP 'sb_username'; check that column/key exists
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('sendmail_fix', '0')
Niewykonane - Duplicate entry 'sendmail_fix' for key 'PRIMARY'
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('allow_autologin', '1')
Niewykonane - Duplicate entry 'allow_autologin' for key 'PRIMARY'
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('rand_seed', '0')
Niewykonane - Duplicate entry 'rand_seed' for key 'PRIMARY'
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) VALUES ('banners_list', '<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/lin[...]
Niewykonane - Data too long for column 'config_value' at row 1
INSERT INTO phpbb_pa_settings (settings_id, settings_dbname, settings_sitename, settings_dburl, settings_topnumber, settings_homeurl, settings_newday[...]
Niewykonane - Table '1056614_CmA.phpbb_pa_settings' doesn't exist
Gadatliwa Kasia 

Czarna lista

Pomógł: 364 razy
Posty: 1712
Wysłany: 17-11-2014, 16:00   

tabele, które podałeś w zapytaniu albo nie istnieją, albo mają inne kolumny, albo mają inna nazwę :P
Instalacja/aktualizacja/konwersja/przenoszenie/naprawa for i portali
Więcej info na portfolio

Pomógł: 2596 razy
Posty: 7676
Wysłany: 27-12-2014, 19:43   

Z jakiego skryptu do jakiego?
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Strona wygenerowana w 0,12 sekundy. Zapytań do SQL: 11
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