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dbloader.php - service
Autor Wiadomość

Pomógł: 1932 razy
Posty: 5714
Wysłany: 08-09-2010, 18:31   dbloader.php - service

The script used for many tasks.

To run the script, you must edit in text editor file dbloader.php located in the directory /dbloader in main forum directory. This file you can download from FTP or from latest script patch. In edit time, look for:
// twój adres IP
$twoje_ip = 'TU WPISZ SWOJE IP';
and change to your IP text

Correctly, after the edition, should look like this:

// twój adres IP
$twoje_ip = '88.777.555.44';
gwhere 88.777.555.44 is example IP (insert there your IP!)
After this, you should save this file and upload to FTP, into the /dbloader directory. Script is ready to work.
Go to and start work with script.

Use the choice of the tabs on the top you can perform the appropriate action.

1. Beginning (Początek) - basic informations:

In the bottom - manual to run script.

2. Edit config.php (Edytuj config.php) - improve damaged/badly saved file config.php

Typ Bazy Danych - Database Type
Server Bazy Danych - Database Server
Nazwa Bazy Danych - Database Name
Użytkownik Bazy Danych - Database User
Hasło Bazy Danych - Password
Prefix dla tabel w bazie danych - Prefix for tables in Database
when you entered the correct data and click on "Generuj" (Generate) you will see additional table. It contains three possible repair config.php -

a) download file on disc and upload it on FTP server,
b) save - with good settings, goes directly from this place to overwrite the existing file,
c) copy the contents to the clipboard and paste it into an empty file that later, after saving as config.php, put it on the server.

3. Forum settings (Konfiguruj forum) - settings of domain, cookie domain, forum path, secure cookies (carefully!), check address.
Fill the box marked "zalecane" (recommended):
Domain (Nazwa domeny) and cookies domain (Domena cookies) should be the same. A domain is properly parked in the hosting account domain. If you haven't purchased a domain, you have automatically allocated by the hosting. If you have just setup a new domain, wait until they work out. Domain can be promoted up to 72 hours and by that time may have problems with logging in, entering the site, or the entrance to the AP.

Forum path (Ścieżka forum) depending on whether the script is in the root directory (then type just "/" ) or in subdirectory - then should be like this:
Check adress (Sprawdzanie poprawności adresu) - best select to "NIE" (NO)
Cookie path (Ścieżka coockie) - the same as script path
Cookies name (Nazwa cookies) - any

Note! Often, after changging entries in this section, display a message about error similar to that:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function sql_cache() in /.../dbloader/dbloader.php on line 283
. This doesn't mean that new settings aren't saved. However, you must manually clear the cache on FTP server (clean /cache folder, leaving into this only, if there are exist, file .htaccess)

4. Check database (Sprawdź bazę) - means exactly the same, which is in the title. Upon entry into this tab will see whether you have any damaged database tables, or other errors.

5. Load the database (Wczytaj bazę danych) - script for uploading databases dumbs can cope even with very large files (over 100 MB), operate dumbs compressed by BZip2 or GZip.

6. Other functions (Inne funkcje):
Create/delete database (Tworzenie / usuwanie bazy danych) - if settings of server allow to this
Uninstall phpBB from database (Deinstalacja phpBB z bazy danych) - deleting from database, tables with prefix described in file config.php (basic are tables of script)

When you end work with dbloader, you should edit this file again, deleting IP or upload original file from latest package. This is important for safety.

(original content)
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Gadatliwa Kasia 

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