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  Witaj na stronie poświęconej modyfikacji phpBB modified by Przemo
Modyfikacja ta jest darmowa, oparta na skrypcie phpBB 2.0.X, łącznie zawiera około 300 dodatków, z możliwością wyłączenia każdego z nich w panelu admina.
Na tej stronie znajdziesz wszystkie potrzebne informacje, takie jak lista dodatków, instrukcje instalacji oraz zamiany z istniejącym już oryginalnym phpBB, oczywiście jest też forum dyskusyjne.
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If you have language another english I prepared instruction to easy translate add-ons using originall lang-pack which you prefere.
Download your lang-pack from http://phpbb.com/downloads.php unpack it and follow the instruction:
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------


#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------


#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------


#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------
# It's example on the lang english pack, just find: $lang['Group_memberships']

$lang['Group_memberships'] = 'Usergroup memberships';

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------

$lang['Group_memberships'] = 'Usergroup memberships (in total: %d)';

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------
# It's example on the lang english pack, just find: $lang['Rank_image']

$lang['Rank_image'] = 'Rank Image (Relative to phpBB2 root path)';

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------

$lang['Rank_image'] = 'Rank Image';

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------
# It's example on the lang english pack, just find: $lang['Rank_image_explain']

$lang['Rank_image_explain'] = 'Use this to define a small image associated with the rank';

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------

$lang['Rank_image_explain'] = 'Use this to define a small image associated with the rank.
Ranks images should be in the /templates/Name_style/images/ranks/ for all installed styles';

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------
# It's example on the lang english pack, just find: $lang['This_closed_group']

$lang['This_closed_group'] = 'This is a closed group: no more users accepted';
$lang['This_hidden_group'] = 'This is a hidden group: automatic user addition is not allowed';

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------

$lang['This_closed_group'] = 'This is a closed group, %s';
$lang['This_hidden_group'] = 'This is a hidden group, %s';

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------
# It's example on the lang english pack, just find: $lang['Online_explain']

$lang['Online_explain'] = 'This data is based on users active over the past five minutes';

#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]----------------------------------------

$lang['Online_explain'] = '';

Now download my english lang-pack: lang_phpBB.zip
Copy all files to /language/your_lang/

Open your lang_admin.php one more time

Find at the end of file:


Above add everything from add_to_lang_admin.txt (attached to lang_phpBB.zip)

Open your lang_main.php one more time

Find at the end of file:


Above add everything from add_to_lang_main.txt (attached to lang_phpBB.zip)

Now you can use it on your forum but all add-ons will be in english.
You can translate additionall lang files and additionall lines in lang_admin.php and lang_main.php
to your language. You can do it per parts, your forum will work with untranslate add-ons.

If you finish translate, please send me your lang_pack, I will publish it on my support page.
Do not forget add your signature.

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