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Conversion from myBB to phpBB2 by Przemo
Autor Wiadomość

Pomógł: 1932 razy
Posty: 5714
Wysłany: 09-09-2010, 18:17   Conversion from myBB to phpBB2 by Przemo

Conversion process:
myBB 1.4 => smf => phpBB2 => phpBB by Przemo
Before you start convert - create database backup
After conversion passwords aren't save. When we end conversion, all users must use option "I forgot my password, remember me it".
I recommend you to leave folder images from myBB and download it to disc.

Let's start:
1. Download all attachments.

2. Unpack to smf folder and upload this folder to main directory, where is MyBB.

3. Install SMF on the same database, as smf. Select option:
Use UTF-8 as default character set
This feature lets both the database and the forum use an international character set, UTF-8. This can be useful when working with multiple languages that use different character sets.

Type following fields:
MySQL server name: - database server name
MySQL username: - database username
MySQL password: - password
MySQL database name: - database name
MySQL table prefix: - leave smf_
and click Proceed.
We should see a window set up an administrator account. Before the end we must confirm it, typing in last window password of database. After this - click on Finish and we will see window, in which we can select option:
Click here to delete this install.php file now. (doesn't work on all servers.) - this option deleted automatic file install.php from FTP server, but could be don't worked and we can do it manually. Click on your newly installed forum and we have SMF installed.

4. Conversion from myBB.

Unpack files from and upload to main catalog with myBB.
We should send to this folder files convert.php and mybb14x_to_smf.txt.
Go to www.yourdomain/convert.php and type fields:
Path to SMF: type ../smf/
Path to MyBulletinBoard 1.4: type ../
SMF database password: set database password
Set SMF's default character set to: choose UTF-8
click continue.
Now click on your SMF installation and we should have forum with old datas.
To relieve the database execute query:
DROP TABLE `mybb_adminlog`, `mybb_adminoptions`, `mybb_adminsessions`, `mybb_adminviews`, `mybb_announcements`, `mybb_attachments`, `mybb_attachtypes`, `mybb_awaitingactivation`, `mybb_badwords`, `mybb_banfilters`, `mybb_banned`, `mybb_calendarpermissions`, `mybb_calendars`, `mybb_captcha`, `mybb_datacache`, `mybb_events`, `mybb_forumpermissions`, `mybb_forums`, `mybb_forumsread`, `mybb_forumsubscriptions`, `mybb_groupleaders`, `mybb_helpdocs`, `mybb_helpsections`, `mybb_icons`, `mybb_joinrequests`, `mybb_mailerrors`, `mybb_maillogs`, `mybb_mailqueue`, `mybb_massemails`, `mybb_moderatorlog`, `mybb_moderators`, `mybb_modtools`, `mybb_mycode`, `mybb_polls`, `mybb_pollvotes`, `mybb_posts`, `mybb_privatemessages`, `mybb_profilefields`, `mybb_promotionlogs`, `mybb_promotions`, `mybb_reportedposts`, `mybb_reputation`, `mybb_searchlog`, `mybb_sessions`, `mybb_settinggroups`, `mybb_settings`, `mybb_smilies`, `mybb_spiders`, `mybb_stats`, `mybb_tasklog`, `mybb_tasks`, `mybb_templategroups`, `mybb_templates`, `mybb_templatesets`, `mybb_themes`, `mybb_themestylesheets`, `mybb_threadratings`, `mybb_threads`, `mybb_threadsread`, `mybb_threadsubscriptions`, `mybb_threadviews`, `mybb_userfields`, `mybb_usergroups`, `mybb_users`, `mybb_usertitles`, `mybb_warninglevels`, `mybb_warnings`, `mybb_warningtypes`;

and delete all files from myBB. Default should be just SMF folder.

5. Conversion to phpBB2

Unpack on content of phpBB2 folder upload to FTP server. It was important that its contents, and not with the phpBB2 folder. When we do this, install on this same database as SMF.
In database type choose MySQL 4.x/5.x and supplement datas.
Unpack and it content upload to phpBB2 folder, so to main catalog.
Go to and execute this steps:
Table prefix type _smf
Forum address type
Forum path type ../smf/
and select SMF 1.1.1
click convert.
Click on Here to continue and conversion should be done.

6. Update to phpBB by Przemo

Now we upload forum to phpBB by Przemo. Download the latest script from here and we do this be according to instrukcion:
There is possibility to update your forum phpBB 2.0.x to my version 1.8 without loss of any data and with possibility to uninstall my modification (see below)
Important - make a backup copy of database (you can do that in admin's panel "Backup copy" or in phpmyadmin "Export" (Structure and data)) and forum's files before attempt to described below actions.
This process consists of two stages:
1. - Update SQL database
First step is to change database. You should run directory: script/update.php, while logged as admin enter in your web browser and on screen should show up instruction of update database.

2. - Update forum's files
Upload to forum's directory all files of my modification except config.php - this file should remain from original version!
If you have in your forum any style other than subSilver be sure to default and your style is subSilver. It can will be other style publish on my website. But if your users using some other styles, unavailable for my modification you must resign of it, or remake it to my version and after update you should execute SQL query using PhpMyAdmin, or phpBBMyAdmin located in the Admin Control Panel: SQL:
UPDATE phpbb_users SET user_style = 1;
Change phpbb_ tou your prefix if different.
Instructions which haven't been executed will be displayed. In the update of original phpBB as well as the update of a lower version of phpBB by Przemo most of the instructions won't be executed because this is a universal update aplication.

Congratulations, you have forum on script of phpBB2 by przemo!

(original content)
Converter from myBB to SMF
Pobierz Plik ściągnięto 928 raz(y) 23,95 KB
Clean SMF
Pobierz Plik ściągnięto 933 raz(y) 1,67 MB

Clean phpBB2
Pobierz Plik ściągnięto 937 raz(y) 623,49 KB
Converter from smf 1.1.11 to phpBB2
Pobierz Plik ściągnięto 902 raz(y) 37,33 KB

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Strona wygenerowana w 0,07 sekundy. Zapytań do SQL: 14
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