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How to search on the forum? |
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Pomógł: 1932 razy Posty: 5714
Wysłany: 01-09-2010, 20:54 How to search on the forum?
Suppose that on the forum shows us following error:
Kod: | General Error
Could not insert/update private message sent info.
INSERT INTO phpbb_privmsgs (privmsgs_type, privmsgs_subject, privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid, privmsgs_date, privmsgs_ip, privmsgs_enable_html, privmsgs_enable_bbcode, privmsgs_enable_smilies, privmsgs_attach_sig) VALUES (1, 'test', 2, 2758, 1177867567, '576372b2', 0, 1, 1, 1)
Line : 1423
File : privmsg.php |
Probably most people looking for this error in search by this way:
Thus, the notification for you dear users: this is wrong way, or at least perplexing, if you want find solution to your problem...
Just think a little... When searching for these keywords search can found for us hundreds, and even thousand results...
Moreover, don't search words type "general error" or "critical error". I reccomend to you search, if example these less typical quote from error. "Could not insert/update private message sent info.". Anyway, if you search like that, you got 1168 results!
Thus, let's read what they say when we searching.
search.php napisał/a: | Search for Keywords:
You can use AND to define words which must be in the results, OR to define words which may be in the result and NOT to define words which should not be in the result. Use * as a wildcard for partial matches
To search phrase embrance it in the "quotation" |
Exactly. AND. Let's try now search by this way:
Kod: | Could AND not AND insert/update AND private AND message AND sent AND info. |
By the way "AND" you can change to "+".
Well, let's see. 14 results! It's probably a little less than 1168? I think so too.
(original content) |
Fora, strony, sklepy internetowe i wiele więcej...
matteo.fcb(at)gmail.com |
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