phpBB2 by Przemo
Support forów phpBB2 modified by Przemo
Przesunięty przez: Matteo 09-11-2013, 09:27 |
Arcade MOD v2.1.2 |
Autor |
Wiadomość |
Pomógł: 1932 razy Posty: 5714
Wysłany: 21-09-2009, 17:53
Czemu chcesz wyłączać z PA zarządzanie modem? |
Fora, strony, sklepy internetowe i wiele więcej...
matteo.fcb(at)gmail.com |
Gadatliwa Kasia
Posty: 15
Wysłany: 22-09-2009, 05:59
nie zarządzanie modem tylko te gry jak za bardzo będą transfer obciążały, czy można wyłączyć czy trzeba wyinstalować |
Pomógł: 9 razy Posty: 232
Wysłany: 23-09-2009, 20:59
mozesz odinstalowac poj gierki |
Pomógł: 8 razy Posty: 109
Wysłany: 26-09-2009, 20:02
Wgrałem gierki, wszystko działa, lecz gdy w chodze jakiś temat wyskakuje :
Could not query ad information
SQL Error : 1146 Table 'gamezer_game.ADS_TABLE' doesn't exist
SELECT a.ad_code FROM ADS_TABLE a WHERE a.ad_id=1
Line : 2547
File : viewtopic.php
[ Dodano: 26-09-2009, 21:30 ]
Już działa |
Pomógł: 13 razy Posty: 190
Wysłany: 19-10-2009, 11:38
Jakieś spolszczenie ? |
Posty: 103
Wysłany: 21-11-2009, 12:38
Po aktualizacji wyskoczyło mi takie coś:
Kod: | Current Version: 1.0.0
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_data ( `version` VARCHAR(25) DEFAULT '2.0.0' ) DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_games ( `game_id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment, `game_name` varchar(25) default NULL, `game_path` varchar(255) default NULL, `game_desc` varchar(255) default NULL, `game_charge` int(11) unsigned default '0', `game_reward` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `game_bonus` smallint(5) unsigned default '0', `game_use_gl` tinyint(3) unsigned default '0', `game_flash` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `game_show_score` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', `win_width` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `win_height` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', `highscore_limit` varchar(255) default NULL, `reverse_list` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `played` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `instructions` text, PRIMARY KEY `game_id` (`game_id`) ) DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_scores ( `game_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `player` varchar(40) default NULL, `score` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `date` int(11) default NULL, KEY `game_name` (`game_name`)) DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('default_reward_dbfield','') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('default_cash','') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('use_rewards_mod','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('use_cash_system','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('report_cheater','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('warn_cheater','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('use_point_system','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('use_gamelib','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_path','') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('gamelib_path','') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('use_gk_shop','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('use_allowance_system','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_per_page','20') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_ina_data ( `version` ) VALUES ('2.0.0') DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `game_avail` TINYINT(1) default 1 DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `allow_guest` TINYINT(1) default 0 DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `image_path` VARCHAR(255) default '.gif' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `cat_id` MEDIUMINT(8) default NULL DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_default_img','templates/subSilver/images/games.gif') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_default_txt','Over 120 games available to Registered Members - No Fee - No Catch.
') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_default_id','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_tournament_mode','0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_offline','0') DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_at_scores ( `game_name` varchar(255) default NULL, `player` varchar(40) default NULL, `score` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `date` int(11) default NULL, KEY `game_name` (`game_name`)) DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_scores ADD `player_id` MEDIUMINT(8) AFTER `player` DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_at_scores ADD `player_id` MEDIUMINT(8) AFTER `player` DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_sessions ( `session_id` varchar(32) default NULL, `user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `start_time` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `session_ip` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '', `page` int(1) NOT NULL default '0', `game_name` varchar(25) default NULL, `user_ip` varchar(16) default '0', `ip_name` varchar(255) default NULL, KEY `session_id` (`session_id`)) DONE.!
UPDATE bb2_ina_scores AS s, bb2_users AS u SET `s.player_id` = `u.user_id` WHERE `s.player` = `u.username` NOT REQUIRED.!
Nieznana kolumna 's.player_id' w field list
UPDATE bb2_ina_at_scores AS s, bb2_users AS u SET `s.player_id` = `u.user_id` WHERE `s.player` = `u.username` NOT REQUIRED.!
Nieznana kolumna 's.player_id' w field list
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_cheat_mode','1') DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_scores ADD `player_ip` VARCHAR(16) default 0 DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_at_scores ADD `player_ip` VARCHAR(16) default 0 DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `cat_id` mediumint(8) default 0 NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'cat_id'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `at_highscore_limit` smallint(5) default 0 DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `at_game_bonus` smallint(5) default 0 DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_ina_games (`game_id`, `game_name`, `game_path`, `image_path`, `game_desc`, `game_charge`, `game_reward`, `game_bonus`, `game_use_gl`, `game_flash`, `game_show_score`, `win_width`, `win_height`, `highscore_limit`, `reverse_list`, `played`, `instructions`) VALUES (1, 'donkeykong', 'games/donkeykong/', '', 'The Classic - Donkey Kong', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 448, 600, 0, 0, 0, 'CLICK where it says \'Press Space Bar To Start\' to start the game :(') DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_cat ( `cat_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, `mod_id` mediumint(8) default NULL, `name` varchar(100) default NULL, `desc` text, `icon` varchar(255) default NULL, `special_play` smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0', `last_game` varchar(25) default NULL, `last_player` mediumint(8) default NULL, `last_time` int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cat_id`), KEY `cat_id` (`cat_id`)) DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_sessions ADD `arcade_hash` varchar(33) default NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_sessions ADD KEY `arcade_hash` (`arcade_hash`) DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `score_type` smallint(1) default NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `cat_id` mediumint(8) default 0 NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'cat_id'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `at_highscore_limit` smallint(5) default 0 NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'at_highscore_limit'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `at_game_bonus` smallint(5) default 0 NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'at_game_bonus'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_scores CHANGE `score` `score` DOUBLE( 12, 4 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_scores ADD `player_ip` VARCHAR(16) default 0 NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'player_ip'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_at_scores ADD `player_ip` VARCHAR(16) default 0 NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'player_ip'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_at_scores CHANGE `score` `score` DOUBLE( 12, 4 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_banned ( `username` varchar(25) default NULL, `user_id` mediumint(8) default NULL, `player_ip` varchar(16) default NULL, `game` varchar(25) default NULL, `score` mediumint(8) default NULL, `date` varchar(16) default NULL, KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)) DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_cat ( `cat_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment, `mod_id` mediumint(8) default NULL, `name` varchar(100) default NULL, `desc` text, `icon` varchar(255) default NULL, `special_play` smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0', `last_game` varchar(25) default NULL, `last_player` mediumint(8) default NULL, `last_time` int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY `cat_id` (`cat_id`) ) NOT REQUIRED.!
Tabela 'bb2_ina_cat' już istnieje
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_fav ( `user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `game_id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0', KEY `game_id` (`game_id`)) DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_tour ( `tour_id` mediumint(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, `tour_name` varchar(25) default NULL, `tour_desc` text, PRIMARY KEY `tour_id` (`tour_id`)) DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_guest_highscore', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_auto_size', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_at_highscore', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_show_stats', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_image_width', '50') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_image_height', '50') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_per_admin_page', '') DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_pms ( `to_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `from_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `last_sent` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `total_sent` mediumint(8) default NULL, `code` tinyint(4) default NULL, KEY `to_id` (`to_id`)) DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_user_data ( `user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `last_played` varchar(25) default NULL, `last_played_date` int(11) default NULL, `first_places` mediumint(9) default '0', `last_won_date` int(11) default NULL, `at_first_places` mediumint(9) default '0', `user_game_time` int(11) default '0', KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)) DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_cat_image_width', '80') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_cat_image_height', '80') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_tournament_max', '10') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_tournament_games', '6') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_tournament_players', '12') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_moderators_mode', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_posts_required', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_use_pms', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_total_top', '10') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_new_games', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_cat_zero', 'Show all the Games') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_use_comments', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_use_rating', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_show_played', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_show_all', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_no_guests', '0') DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `game_autosize` smallint(1) default NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `date_added` int(11) default '0' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `rank_required` int(11) default NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `level_required` tinyint(4) default NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games CHANGE `game_name` `game_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_sessions CHANGE `game_name` `game_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_scores CHANGE `game_name` `game_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_at_scores CHANGE `game_name` `game_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_cat CHANGE `name` `cat_name` VARCHAR( 100 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_cat CHANGE `desc` `cat_desc` TEXT DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_cat CHANGE `icon` `cat_icon` VARCHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_cat_image_width', '80') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_cat_image_width' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_cat_image_height', '80') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_cat_image_height' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_tournament_max', '10') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_tournament_max' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_tournament_games', '6') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_tournament_games' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_tournament_players', '12') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_tournament_players' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_moderators_mode', '0') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_moderators_mode' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_posts_required', '1') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_posts_required' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_use_pms', '1') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_use_pms' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_total_top', '10') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_total_top' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_new_games', '1') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_new_games' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_cat_zero', 'Show all the Games') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_cat_zero' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_use_comments', '0') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_use_comments' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_use_rating', '0') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_use_rating' dla klucza 1
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `game_autosize` smallint(1) default NULL NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'game_autosize'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `date_added` int(11) default '0' NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'date_added'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `rank_required` int(11) default NULL NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'rank_required'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `level_required` tinyint(4) default NULL NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'level_required'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_sessions CHANGE `game_name` `game_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games CHANGE `game_name` `game_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_scores ADD `time_taken` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_scores CHANGE `game_name` `game_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_at_scores CHANGE `game_name` `game_name` VARCHAR( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_at_scores ADD `time_taken` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_users ADD `games_block_pm` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default 1 DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_data ADD `minor` TINYINT(3) default '0' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_users CHANGE `user_rank` `user_rank` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_users CHANGE `user_level` `user_level` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_sessions ADD `user_win` VARCHAR(25) default 'NORM' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_user_data ADD `user_game_time` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'user_game_time'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `rank_required` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'rank_required'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `level_required` TINYINT( 4 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'level_required'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games ADD `group_required` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games CHANGE `level_required` `level_required` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games CHANGE `group_required` `group_required` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_games CHANGE `rank_required` `rank_required` INT( 11 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_rate', '1') DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_fav CHANGE `game_id` `fav_game_id` MEDIUMINT( 9 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_rate ( `rate_game_name` varchar(50) default NULL, `rate_user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `rate_user_ip` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '', `rate_point` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', KEY `rate_game_name` (`rate_game_name`)) DONE.!
CREATE TABLE bb2_ina_comment ( `comment_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `comment_game_name` varchar(50) default NULL, `comment_user_id` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `comment_username` varchar(32) default NULL, `comment_user_ip` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '', `comment_time` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `comment_text` text, `comment_edit_time` int(11) unsigned default NULL, `comment_edit_count` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `comment_edit_user_id` mediumint(8) default NULL, `game_name` varchar(50) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`comment_id`), KEY `comment_game_name` (`comment_game_name`), KEY `comment_user_id` (`comment_user_id`)) DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_comments', '1') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_mod_ban_users', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_comment_size', '256') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_rate', '1') NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzone wyst?pienie 'games_rate' dla klucza 1
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_rank_required', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_pm_highscore', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_pm_at_highscore', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_pm_comment', '0') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_pm_new', '0') DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_fav ADD `fav_game_name` varchar( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_rate ADD `rate_game_name` varchar( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'rate_game_name'
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_comment ADD `comment_game_name` varchar( 50 ) DEFAULT NULL NOT REQUIRED.!
Powtórzona nazwa kolumny 'comment_game_name'
UPDATE bb2_ina_fav f, bb2_ina_games g SET `f.fav_game_name` = `g.game_name` WHERE `g.game_id` = `f.fav_game_id` NOT REQUIRED.!
Nieznana kolumna 'f.fav_game_name' w field list
UPDATE bb2_ina_rate r, bb2_ina_games g SET `r.rate_game_name` = `g.game_name` WHERE `r.rate_game_id` = `g.game_id` NOT REQUIRED.!
Nieznana kolumna 'r.rate_game_name' w field list
UPDATE bb2_ina_comment c, bb2_ina_games g SET `c.comment_game_name` = `g.game_name` WHERE `c.comment_game_id` = `g.game_id` NOT REQUIRED.!
Nieznana kolumna 'c.comment_game_name' w field list
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_scores ADD `gameData` TEXT AFTER `game_name` DONE.!
UPDATE bb2_ina_data SET version = '2.1.0', minor = '0' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_user_data ADD `second_places` MEDIUMINT (9) AFTER `first_places` DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_user_data ADD `third_places` MEDIUMINT (9) AFTER `second_places` DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_user_data ADD `at_second_places` MEDIUMINT (9) AFTER `at_first_places` DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_user_data ADD `at_third_places` MEDIUMINT (9) AFTER `at_second_places` DONE.!
CREATE TABLE `bb2_ina_highscore` ( `highscore_id` MEDIUMINT( 8 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `highscore_year` YEAR UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `highscore_mon` TINYINT( 2 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `highscore_game` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL , `highscore_player` VARCHAR( 40 ) NOT NULL , `highscore_score` DOUBLE( 12, 4 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `highscore_date` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY `highscore_id` ( `highscore_id` ) ) DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('highscore_start_year', '2009') DONE.!
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('highscore_start_mon', '11') DONE.!
UPDATE bb2_ina_data SET version = '2.1.1' DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_ina_fav DROP `game_id` NOT REQUIRED.!
Nie można wykonać operacji DROP 'game_id'. SprawdĽ, czy to pole/klucz istnieje
INSERT INTO bb2_config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES ('games_show_fav', '1') DONE.!
ALTER TABLE bb2_users ADD `arcade_banned` INT DEFAULT '0' DONE.!
UPDATE bb2_ina_data SET version = '2.1.2' DONE.!
ALL DONE - Page Refresh Required. |
A po wejściu w GAME mam:
Kod: | Template->make_filename(): Error - template file not found: arcade_cats.tpl |
Kod: | http://mybrute.eu/activity.php |
[ Dodano: 22-11-2009, 15:27 ]
Już działa
[ Dodano: 22-11-2009, 17:22 ]
Poradziłem sobie
Ale mam kilka zastrzeżeń.... Bardzo proszę o odpowiedź...
Nie można przejść na 2 stronę z grami...
Na tej stronie nie da się zmienić NIC ! Oprócz jednej rzeczy... Nazwy kategorii głównej. Gdy zmieniłem ilość gier na stronę na 0 albo inną wartość dałem "Wyślij" to nadal było 20...
Do tego nie działa nic z tond:
Nie działa albo nie wiem gdzie to włączyć xD
A szkoda...
Proszę o pomoc
[ Dodano: 22-11-2009, 20:05 ]
i nie działa opcja MODERATORA ! |
Pomógł: 9 razy Posty: 60
Wysłany: 27-11-2009, 16:45
A czy ten mod jakoś współpracuje z Cash Mod? Bo gry wgrałem, wszystkie działają, ale chcę jakoś ustawić, żeby użytkownicy po zagraniu mogli coś otrzymać, i żeby za każde zagranie musieli coś zapłacić (Bo jak wszyscy grają to transfer strasznie mi idzie do góry). |
Posty: 15
Wysłany: 27-11-2009, 18:41
Cytat: | Na tej stronie nie da się zmienić NIC ! Oprócz jednej rzeczy... Nazwy kategorii głównej. Gdy zmieniłem ilość gier na stronę na 0 albo inną wartość dałem "Wyślij" to nadal było 20... |
mam ten sam problem, ale da się to zmienić, a właściwie samo się zmienia po jakimś czasie (kilka godzin) od momentu wciśnięcia wyślij
mam też problem z przejściem na 2 stronę ale tego to nie wiem jak zrobić |
Posty: 17
Wysłany: 23-01-2010, 12:01
Jak w tym modzie robić turnieje
W PA włączyłem moduł turnieji ale tylko na stronie głównej arcade pokazuje, że jest 0 aktywnych turniejów |
Pomógł: 3 razy Posty: 524
Wysłany: 30-03-2010, 11:05
O co chodzi??
Tak mi wyskauje jak wchodze na gry
Incorrect Installation, Version Missmatch should be 2.1.2 Use the ACP DB Update routine
[ Dodano: 30-03-2010, 12:19 ]
Ma to ktoś to tej modyfikacji spolszczenie ?? |
Posty: 7
Wysłany: 02-04-2010, 16:34
Mod zainstalował się (chyba) dobrze. Gry działają. Problem jest tylko z dodawaniem wyników gry. Po skończeniu wyniki się nie zapisują, a w oknie gry albo wyświetla się biała strona, albo przekierowuje na stronę głowną forum.
Co trzeba zmienić, żeby można było wysyłać wyniki gry? I nie wyłączała się po 1 partii? |
Posty: 5
Wysłany: 11-04-2010, 11:07
U mnie pokazuje że jest jedna gra tylko choć mam ich 22 i nie zapisuje wyników.
[ Dodano: 11-04-2010, 23:01 ]
jak wchodzę we wszystkie gry to pokazuje mi 22 gry ale przed kliknięciem pisze że jest 1. Inni użytkownicy forum widzą jedną grę Donkey Kong
[ Dodano: 11-04-2010, 23:09 ]
już poradziłem eh miałem je offline :p już jest ok
[ Dodano: 12-04-2010, 00:43 ]
ale w niektórych grach wyniki się nie zapisują np w tetris w sonic |
_________________ Żuku |
Posty: 7
Wysłany: 13-04-2010, 17:37
Wszystko działa pięknie, współpracuje z Points_System.
Jest tylko jeszcze jedna sprawa, czy da się uruchomić gry multiplayer dla zarejestrowanych użytkowników? I gdzie ewentualnie znajdę takie gry? |
Posty: 46
Wysłany: 19-04-2010, 11:09
u mnie na forum dziala idealnie mam zainstalowana najnowsza wersje przema ale admini moga grac w nie ale nikt wiecej czemu tak jest?? moze ma ktos rozwiazanie?? bo nie warto wgrywac tylko dla 2 adminow |
Gadatliwa Kasia
Posty: 87
Wysłany: 03-07-2010, 01:57
Mam pytanie, jak do tego moda dodaje się Gry ? |
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