phpBB2 by Przemo
Support forów phpBB2 modified by Przemo
Przesunięty przez: joli 22-01-2009, 19:31 |
[mod] Podgląd pierwszego / ostatniego posta dla wersji 1.9 |
Autor |
Wiadomość |
Pomógł: 283 razy Posty: 2927
Wysłany: 30-12-2005, 04:28 [mod] Podgląd pierwszego / ostatniego posta dla wersji 1.9
Co raz pada pytanie o ten mod, tak więc prosze bardzo.
nie wiem czy bedzie dzialac z forum w wersji 1.9.5, tak samo moze wystapic jakis blad poniewaz swoje forum mam ostro zmodyfikowane i moze byc klopot z nazewnictwem zmiennych. w razie klopotow piszcie
ps: celowo nie ma podgladu ogloszen
pss: nie robilem langow z czystego lenistwa
podglad_postow.qbs.txt 30.12.2005 - aktualizacja 2 |
Pobierz Plik ściągnięto 995 raz(y) 11,86 KB |
_________________ Cygantura |
Ostatnio zmieniony przez irekk 30-12-2005, 13:34, w całości zmieniany 2 razy |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Gadatliwa Kasia
Pomógł: 24 razy Posty: 210
Wysłany: 30-12-2005, 10:05
ogólnie na testowym 1.9.5 działa bez problemu, ale na stałe po co to teraz instalowac skoro za 1-2 tyg bedzie 1.12.0 |
_________________ Twoja <a>uroda</a> |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Pomógł: 2 razy Posty: 90
Wysłany: 30-12-2005, 10:05
Hmm... chyba troche nie działa :-/ Zobacz screena qbs. Wydaje mi sie, że coś nie tak z Overlib jest
![](files/thumbs/t_forum_808.gif) |
Plik ściągnięto 174 raz(y) 189,19 KB |
_________________ S&M |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Pomógł: 283 razy Posty: 2927
Wysłany: 30-12-2005, 11:31
dzieki adbel, faktycznie wkradl sie maly bug w postaci niepotrzebnego cudzyslowia. przy okazji zauwazylem innego buga
trzeba zamienic to:
Kod: | if($topic_overlib)
$topic_overlib = '" onMouseOver="return overlib(\'<left>' . $topic_overlib . '</left>\', ol_width=420, ol_offsetx=10, ol_offsety=10, CAPTION, \'<center>' . $lang_poster_posts . '</center>\')" onMouseOut="nd();"';
} |
na to:
Kod: | $lang_poster_posts =(!$lang_poster_posts) ? 'Nie brałe¶ udziału w tej dyskusji' : $lang_poster_posts;
$topic_overlib = 'onMouseOver="return overlib(\'<left>' . $topic_overlib . '</left>\', ol_width=420, ol_offsetx=10, ol_offsety=10, CAPTION, \'<center>' . $lang_poster_posts . '</center>\')" onMouseOut="nd();"';
} |
_________________ Cygantura |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Pomógł: 2 razy Posty: 90
Wysłany: 30-12-2005, 11:36
Teraz wszystko działa bez zarzutu Niewiem może zainstaluje to u siebie bo jak do tej pory to używałem Topic Preview |
_________________ S&M |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Pomógł: 283 razy Posty: 2927
Wysłany: 30-12-2005, 13:33
no niby tak ale znowu cos zauwazylem
w funkcji cutnstrip_bbcode trzeba zamienic to:
Kod: | $txt = (strlen($txt) > 260) ? substr($txt, 0, 255) . ' ... ' : ''; |
na to:
Kod: | $txt = (strlen($txt) > 260) ? substr($txt, 0, 255) . ' ... ' : $txt; |
a zeby w searchu byl tez overlib trzeba wykonac ponizsza instrukcje (to dla tych co instalowali mloda przed tym postem)
Kod: | ######################################################################
### otworz:
### znajdz:
$sql = "SELECT t.*, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_color, f.forum_moderate, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time, p2.post_approve AS approve_post, u.user_rank, u.user_posts, u2.user_rank as user_rank2, u2.user_posts as user_posts2
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2, " . USERS_TABLE . " u2
WHERE t.topic_id IN ($search_results)
AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id
AND f.password = ''";
### zamien na:
$sql = "SELECT t.*, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_color, f.forum_moderate, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time, p2.post_approve AS approve_post, u.user_rank, u.user_posts, u2.user_rank as user_rank2, u2.user_posts as user_posts2, pt1.post_text as first_post_text, pt2.post_text as last_post_text
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2, " . USERS_TABLE . " u2, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt1, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt2
WHERE t.topic_id IN ($search_results)
AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND pt1.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND pt2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id
AND f.password = ''";
### znajdz:
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$searchset[] = $row;
### zamien na:
function cutnstrip_bbcode($txt)
$txt = preg_replace("#\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]#si", "\\1", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[url(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]#si", "\\2", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[mod\](.*?)\[\/mod\]#si", "<br />", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(code||quote||hide):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/(code||quote||hide):(.*?)\]#si", "", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(.*?):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/(.*?):(.*?)\]#si", "\\3", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(.*?):(.*?)\]#si", "", $txt);
$txt = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "'"), array(" ", " ", '''), $txt);
$txt = htmlspecialchars($txt);
$txt = (strlen($txt) > 260) ? substr($txt, 0, 255) . ' ... ' : $txt;
return $txt;
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$row['first_post_text'] = ($row['first_post_text']) ? cutnstrip_bbcode($row['first_post_text']) : '';
$row['last_post_text'] = ($row['topic_first_post_id'] == $row['topic_last_post_id']) ? '' : cutnstrip_bbcode($row['last_post_text']);
$searchset[] = $row;
### znajdz:
$title_style = ($board_config['overlib'] && ($poster_posts || $unread_posts_topic)) ? '" onMouseOver="return overlib(\'<left>' . $if_poster_posts . '' . $if_replys_last_post . '' . $if_unread_post . '</left>\', ol_width=270, CAPTION, \'<center>' . $lang_poster_posts . '</center>\')" onMouseOut="nd()' : $standart_title;
### zamien na:
$title_style = '';
### znajdz:
$if_replys_last_post = ($last_replys > 0) ? $lang['replys_last_post'] . ': <b>' . $last_replys . '</b><br />' : '';
$if_unread_post = ($unread_posts_topic) ? $lang_posts . ': <b>' . $unread_posts_topic : '';
### zamien na:
$if_replys_last_post = ($last_replys > 0) ? ' » ' . $lang['replys_last_post'] . ': <b>' . $last_replys . '</b><br />' : '';
$if_unread_post = ($unread_posts_topic) ? ' » ' . $lang_posts . ': <b>' . $unread_posts_topic . '</b>' : '';
### znajdz
$template->assign_block_vars('searchresults', array(
'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_name = ($searchset[$i]['forum_color'] != '') ? '<span style="color: #' . $searchset[$i]['forum_color'] . '; text-decoration: none;">' . $forum_name . '</span>' : $forum_name,
### dodaj przed:
$topic_overlib = '';
if ($board_config['overlib'] && !$searchset[$i]['topic_type'])
if($unread_posts_topic && $searchset[$i]['first_post_text'])
$topic_overlib .= $if_replys_last_post . $if_unread_post . '<br />';
if( $searchset[$i]['first_post_text'] )
$topic_overlib .= '<fieldset><legend>Pierwszy post</legend>' . $searchset[$i]['first_post_text'] . '</fieldset>';
if( $searchset[$i]['last_post_text'] )
$topic_overlib .= '<fieldset><legend>Ostatni post</legend>' . $searchset[$i]['last_post_text'] . '</fieldset>';
$lang_poster_posts =(!$lang_poster_posts) ? 'Nie brałe¶ udziału w tej dyskusji' : $lang_poster_posts;
$topic_overlib = 'onMouseOver="return overlib(\'<left>' . $topic_overlib . '</left>\', ol_width=420, ol_offsetx=10, ol_offsety=10, CAPTION, \'<center>' . $lang_poster_posts . '</center>\')" onMouseOut="nd();"';
### znajdz:
'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title,
### po tym dodaj:
'TOPIC_OVERLIB' => $topic_overlib, |
_________________ Cygantura |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Posty: 114
Wysłany: 31-12-2005, 15:51
pozamianialam i mam blad typu
Cytat: | Could not obtain topic information
SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'p.post_approve' in 'field list'
SELECT t.*, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p.post_approve AS approve_post, p.poster_id AS approve_poster, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time, u.user_rank, u.user_posts, u2.user_rank AS rank2, u2.user_posts AS posts2, pt1.post_text as first_post_text, pt2.post_text as last_post_text FROM phpbb_topics t, phpbb_users u, phpbb_posts p, phpbb_posts p2, phpbb_users u2, phpbb_posts_text pt1, phpbb_posts_text pt2 WHERE t.forum_id = 12 AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND pt1.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND pt2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id AND t.topic_type <> 2 AND t.topic_type <> 3 ORDER BY t.topic_type DESC, t.topic_last_post_id DESC, t.topic_last_post_id DESC LIMIT 0, 35
Line : 482
_________________ " Kobieta jest zaproszeniem do szczęscia "
Pozdrawiam Agness |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Pomógł: 2 razy Posty: 36
Wysłany: 31-12-2005, 18:38
jaka wersja forum? i kiedy wyskakuje ten blad?
na skroty to mozna wywalic:
Kod: | p.post_approve AS approve_post, | ale nie recze za efekt |
_________________ od dzis, wszelkich swoich modyfikacji nie bede umieszczal na tym forum na stale
jednoczesnie prosze moderatorow aby nie usuwali wygaszania z moich postow, z gory dziekuje.
http://beatsfactory.pl/qbs/fora.html |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Posty: 114
Wysłany: 31-12-2005, 18:45
wersja 1.8
Gdy wchodze np w dzial "problemy i pomoc" i mam spis tematow to wtedy jest blad i jak wchodze z glownej strony poprzez link np " zobacz posty nieprzeczytane" |
_________________ " Kobieta jest zaproszeniem do szczęscia "
Pozdrawiam Agness |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Pomógł: 475 razy Posty: 2335
Wysłany: 31-12-2005, 19:15
gdzieś ty się uchowała z tą wersją lepiej aktualizuj szybko, bo jak ktoś wyniucha, że masz starą wersje to bedziesz miała po forum |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Posty: 114
Wysłany: 01-01-2006, 19:29
problem w tym ze mam tyle plikow poprzerabianych ze nie bardzo
sprobuje usunac ta jedna linie zobaczymy co sie stanie moze bedzie dobrze dam znac
"Zobacz posty od ostatniej wizyty" i wyskakuje
Cytat: | Could not obtain search results
SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'f.forum_moderate' in 'field list'
SELECT t.*, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_color, f.forum_moderate, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time, p2.post_approve AS approve_post, u.user_rank, u.user_posts, u2.user_rank as user_rank2, u2.user_posts as user_posts2, pt1.post_text as first_post_text, pt2.post_text as last_post_text FROM phpbb_topics t, phpbb_forums f, phpbb_users u, phpbb_posts p, phpbb_posts p2, phpbb_users u2, phpbb_posts_text pt1, phpbb_posts_text pt2 WHERE t.topic_id IN (1997) AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND pt1.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND pt2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id AND f.password = '' ORDER BY p2.post_time DESC LIMIT 0, 35
Line : 709
Moze wie ktos jak zrobic to aby to w mojej wersji 1.8 poprawnie dzialalo bo niestety nie podmienie na nowsza moje pliki sa troche poprzerabiane
Bede dozgonnie Wam wdzieczna |
_________________ " Kobieta jest zaproszeniem do szczęscia "
Pozdrawiam Agness |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Pomógł: 955 razy Posty: 4614
Wysłany: 01-01-2006, 19:35
Agnessj, zamiast tego w instrukcji:
Kod: |
### otworz:
### znajdz
$sql = "SELECT t.*, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p.post_approve AS approve_post, p.poster_id AS approve_poster, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2, " . USERS_TABLE . " u2
WHERE t.forum_id = $forum_id
AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_ANNOUNCE . "
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE . "
$limit_topics_time $sotr_methods
LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain topic information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$total_topics = 0;
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$topic_rowset[] = $row;
### zamien na:
$sql = "SELECT t.*, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p.post_approve AS approve_post, p.poster_id AS approve_poster, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time, u.user_rank, u.user_posts, u2.user_rank AS rank2, u2.user_posts AS posts2, pt1.post_text as first_post_text, pt2.post_text as last_post_text
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2, " . USERS_TABLE . " u2, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt1, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt2
WHERE t.forum_id = $forum_id
AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND pt1.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND pt2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_ANNOUNCE . "
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE . "
$limit_topics_time $sotr_methods
LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain topic information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
function cutnstrip_bbcode($txt)
$txt = preg_replace("#\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]#si", "\\1", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[url(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]#si", "\\2", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[mod\](.*?)\[\/mod\]#si", "<br />", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(code||quote||hide):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/(code||quote||hide):(.*?)\]#si", "", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(.*?):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/(.*?):(.*?)\]#si", "\\3", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(.*?):(.*?)\]#si", "", $txt);
$txt = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "'"), array(" ", " ", '''), $txt);
$txt = htmlspecialchars($txt);
$txt = (strlen($txt) > 260) ? substr($txt, 0, 255) . ' ... ' : $txt;
return $txt;
$total_topics = 0;
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$row['first_post_text'] = cutnstrip_bbcode($row['first_post_text']);
$row['last_post_text'] = ($row['topic_first_post_id'] == $row['topic_last_post_id']) ? '' : cutnstrip_bbcode($row['last_post_text']);
$topic_rowset[] = $row;
wykonaj to:
Kod: |
### otworz:
### znajdz
$sql = "SELECT t.*, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p.post_approve AS approve_post, p.poster_id AS approve_poster, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2, " . USERS_TABLE . " u2
WHERE t.forum_id = $forum_id
AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_ANNOUNCE . "
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE . "
$limit_topics_time $sotr_methods
LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain topic information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$total_topics = 0;
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$topic_rowset[] = $row;
### znajdz:
p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time
### w lini dodaj po:
, u.user_rank, u.user_posts, u2.user_rank AS rank2, u2.user_posts AS posts2, pt1.post_text as first_post_text, pt2.post_text as last_post_text
### znajdz:
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2, " . USERS_TABLE . " u2
WHERE t.forum_id = $forum_id
AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_ANNOUNCE . "
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE . "
$limit_topics_time $sotr_methods
LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain topic information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$total_topics = 0;
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$topic_rowset[] = $row;
### zamien na:
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2, " . USERS_TABLE . " u2, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt1, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt2
WHERE t.forum_id = $forum_id
AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND pt1.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
AND pt2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_ANNOUNCE . "
AND t.topic_type <> " . POST_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE . "
$limit_topics_time $sotr_methods
LIMIT $start, $user_topics_per_page";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain topic information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
function cutnstrip_bbcode($txt)
$txt = preg_replace("#\[url=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]#si", "\\1", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[url(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]#si", "\\2", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[mod\](.*?)\[\/mod\]#si", "<br />", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(code||quote||hide):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/(code||quote||hide):(.*?)\]#si", "", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(.*?):(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/(.*?):(.*?)\]#si", "\\3", $txt);
$txt = preg_replace("#\[(.*?):(.*?)\]#si", "", $txt);
$txt = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "'"), array(" ", " ", '''), $txt);
$txt = htmlspecialchars($txt);
$txt = (strlen($txt) > 260) ? substr($txt, 0, 255) . ' ... ' : $txt;
return $txt;
$total_topics = 0;
while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$row['first_post_text'] = cutnstrip_bbcode($row['first_post_text']);
$row['last_post_text'] = ($row['topic_first_post_id'] == $row['topic_last_post_id']) ? '' : cutnstrip_bbcode($row['last_post_text']);
$topic_rowset[] = $row;
} |
i powinno dzialac |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Posty: 114
Wysłany: 01-01-2006, 19:51
Dzieki wielki buziak juz to robie
Cytat: |
Could not obtain search results
SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'p2.post_approve' in 'field list'
SELECT t.*, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_color, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time, p2.post_approve AS approve_post, u.user_rank, u.user_posts, u2.user_rank as user_rank2, u2.user_posts as user_posts2, pt1.post_text as first_post_text, pt2.post_text as last_post_text FROM phpbb_topics t, phpbb_forums f, phpbb_users u, phpbb_posts p, phpbb_posts p2, phpbb_users u2, phpbb_posts_text pt1, phpbb_posts_text pt2 WHERE t.topic_id IN (1088, 1212, 1900, 1913, 1987, 1989, 1993, 2000) AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND pt1.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND pt2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id AND f.password = '' ORDER BY p2.post_time DESC LIMIT 0, 35
Line : 710
w zalaczniku search.php i wiewforum_body.php ktore sa juz podmienione moze mam jakiegos byka ale nie wydaje mi sie
Pobierz Plik ściągnięto 739 raz(y) 22,64 KB |
_________________ " Kobieta jest zaproszeniem do szczęscia "
Pozdrawiam Agness |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Pomógł: 955 razy Posty: 4614
Wysłany: 01-01-2006, 20:13
Agnessj, dla pliku viewforum.php wykonaj jesczze to:
Kod: |
### znajdz
$title_style = ($board_config['overlib'] && ($poster_posts || $unread_posts_topic)) ? '" onMouseOver="return overlib(\'<left>' . $if_poster_posts . $if_replys_last_post . $if_unread_post . '</left>\', ol_width=300, ol_offsetx=10, ol_offsety=10, CAPTION, \'<center>' . $lang_poster_posts . '</center>\')" onMouseOut="nd();' : $standart_title;
### zamien na:
$title_style = '';
### znajdz
$if_replys_last_post = ($last_replys > 0) ? $lang['replys_last_post'] . ': <b>' . $last_replys . '</b><br />' : '';
$if_unread_post = ($unread_posts_topic) ? $lang_posts . ': <b>' . $unread_posts_topic : '';
### zamien na:
$if_replys_last_post = ($last_replys > 0) ? ' » ' . $lang['replys_last_post'] . ': <b>' . $last_replys . '</b><br />' : '';
$if_unread_post = ($unread_posts_topic) ? ' » ' . $lang_posts . ': <b>' . $unread_posts_topic . '</b>' : '';
### znajdz
$template->assign_block_vars('topicrow', array(
'ICON' => $icon,
'TOPIC_EXPIRE' => $topic_expire_date,
### przed tym dodaj:
$topic_overlib = '';
if ($board_config['overlib'])
if($unread_posts_topic && $topic_rowset[$i]['first_post_text'])
$topic_overlib .= $if_replys_last_post . $if_unread_post . '<br />';
if( $topic_rowset[$i]['first_post_text'] )
$topic_overlib .= '<fieldset><legend>Pierwszy post</legend>' . $topic_rowset[$i]['first_post_text'] . '</fieldset>';
if( $topic_rowset[$i]['last_post_text'] )
$topic_overlib .= '<fieldset><legend>Ostatni post</legend>' . $topic_rowset[$i]['last_post_text'] . '</fieldset>';
$lang_poster_posts =(!$lang_poster_posts) ? 'Nie brałe¶ udziału w tej dyskusji' : $lang_poster_posts;
$topic_overlib = 'onMouseOver="return overlib(\'<left>' . $topic_overlib . '</left>\', ol_width=420, ol_offsetx=10, ol_offsety=10, CAPTION, \'<center>' . $lang_poster_posts . '</center>\')" onMouseOut="nd();"';
### znajdz
'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id,
### po tym dodaj:
'TOPIC_OVERLIB' => $topic_overlib,
a co do search.php to zrob analogicznie to viewforum.php (patrz moj post wyzej) a jak cos Ci nei wyjdzie to daj znac - napisze dokladna instrukcje pod 1.8 |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
Gadatliwa Kasia
Posty: 114
Wysłany: 01-01-2006, 21:46
Niestety dalej ten sam blad:(
Cytat: | Could not obtain search results
SQL Error : 1054 Unknown column 'p2.post_approve' in 'field list'
SELECT t.*, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_color, u.username, u.user_id, u2.username as user2, u2.user_id as id2, p.post_username, p2.post_username AS post_username2, p2.post_time, p2.post_approve AS approve_post, u.user_rank, u.user_posts, u2.user_rank as user_rank2, u2.user_posts as user_posts2, pt1.post_text as first_post_text, pt2.post_text as last_post_text FROM phpbb_topics t, phpbb_forums f, phpbb_users u, phpbb_posts p, phpbb_posts p2, phpbb_users u2, phpbb_posts_text pt1, phpbb_posts_text pt2 WHERE t.topic_id IN (1088, 1212, 1900, 1913, 1987, 1989, 1993, 2000) AND t.topic_poster = u.user_id AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND pt1.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id AND pt2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND p2.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id AND u2.user_id = p2.poster_id AND f.password = '' ORDER BY p2.post_time DESC LIMIT 0, 35
Line : 710 |
_________________ " Kobieta jest zaproszeniem do szczęscia "
Pozdrawiam Agness |
![](templates/subSilver/images/spacer.gif) |
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