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English version - [General] How to remove the unread mail for users?

evilmc - 21-03-2009, 17:07
Temat postu: [General] How to remove the unread mail for users?
Your account exceed maximum amount of unread posts: 1000 Information about unread posts was removed, without posts writen through last: 3 days.
Removed unread posts: 169
You may read posts or mar all as read.
You can use search to find posts writen through last choosed time.

how to remove the unread mail for users?
For example, when a user log in, how do you make that all new topic come up and the messages, but when this user log out, how do you make active that this option get deleted? i mean, that the messages dont pop up as unread whan this user come online again...

Is this normal?

arcy - 21-03-2009, 17:33

evilmc napisał/a:
how to remove the unread mail for users?
Cleaning read history - "Resetuj" link from screenshot. But then You deleted all information about unread post for all Your user`s.
evilmc napisał/a:
i mean, that the messages dont pop up as unread whan this user come online again...
Sorry, no posible. User must click on link for mark unread post as read.
evilmc - 21-03-2009, 18:05

arcy napisał/a:
evilmc wrote:
i mean, that the messages dont pop up as unread whan this user come online again...
Sorry, no posible. User must click on link for mark unread post as read.


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