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phpBB2 by Przemo
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English version - [Other] Mysql tables

evilmc - 08-01-2009, 20:49
Temat postu: [Other] Mysql tables
Is this normal for the table? or?

strus - 08-01-2009, 21:30

Yes, these are the biggest tables. If you want to reduce size of ur database, read this:

evilmc - 08-01-2009, 21:45


i go to phpMyAdmin and choose my database and select table: phpbb_search_wordmatch

where is clean select?

strus - 08-01-2009, 21:50

If you want to clean search, you need to clean 3 tables:
phpbb_search_results - clean Search
phpbb_search_wordlist - clean Search
phpbb_search_wordmatch - clean Search

TRUNCATE `phpbb_table`; shoudl do the trick.

evilmc - 08-01-2009, 22:40

strus, thanx.


this table that I do not TRUNCATE?

sorry for my bad school english :)

strus - 08-01-2009, 22:48

If you will truncate phpbb_posts or phpbb_posts_text you will lose all your posts. So how do you think ? better not yea ? :)

And if u will truncate read_history in result no1 will have new unread posts (not always, only this time).

evilmc - 08-01-2009, 23:20

okey, I understand:)

Thank you for your help

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