F.A.Q. - Read it first! - What means the stripes below the captions HP, MP, EXP?
Matteo - 03-09-2010, 22:19 Temat postu: What means the stripes below the captions HP, MP, EXP? Level: User level is based on the number of posts written by him.
HP: Represents the activity of user, max hp is based on the level, now hp is based on the frequency of user posting.
MP: Shows how quickly the user posting, max mp is based on the level, every post cost mp, mp is regenerated with time.
Exp: Shows how many posts user must write, to reach next level.
If you want disable this option:
AP > General Admin > Configuration > View topics > Level user under his avatar: NO
AP > General Admin > Configuration > View topics > Level user under his post: NO
(original content)