F.A.Q. - Read it first! - Groups
Matteo - 02-09-2010, 22:10 Temat postu: Groups What does this FAQ teach you?
1. Create groups
2. Permission of groups
3. Create ranks
4. Set access to the section from specific number of posts
1. Create groups
Go to Administration Panel (AP) > Group Admin > Management > [ Create new group ].
We see few fields, (Group name, Group description, Group moderator, etc.). Below description all of this.
Group name: Probably don't need to explain
Group description: Here we must type description of group, which been display in groups view (groupcp.php) near their names.
Group moderator: Type nick of user (must been register!), who been could manage of members (add, delete).
Group status: Define whether group to be open (users could been report), closed (users couldn't been report) or hidden (this group will not display in group view).
Number of required posts: When users have posted more or equal posts than this value (in any forum) then they will be added to this usergroup.
Delete old users: If we mark and send this option - we truncate members of this group.
Add/Update new users with posts value more or equal: Useful when field "Number of required posts" was changed, when user have more posts than is it, but still isn't a member.
Font colour: Color which nickname will be awarded to the member.
Prefix will appear before user name: Sign which been before of every member of group.
Style: We can type css styles which addition to decorating the member nickname.
Group Moderator can use mass email to the group members: Simple to understand
Deny leave: If we mark it then user couldn't leave arbitrarily from group.
2. Setting permissions
Go to AP > Group Admin > Permissions > Select a group > [ Look up group ].
In this menu you can alter the permissions and moderator status assigned to each user group. With the right forum change jumpbox to Moderator and click on [ Submit ].
3. Create ranks
Wchodzimy w AP > Group Admin > Ranks > [ Add new rank ].
Rank Title: Probably don't need to explain If you want use rank image with rank word, you can add before rank name: -#
Set as Special Rank: If we mark YES, then we could given this rank to specific users in edit their profiles.
Grouprank: Here you can say that this rank only can be used by the selected group. This rank is disabled, if this rank is a special rank.
Minimum Posts: We can type minimal number of posts to achieve rank.
Rank Image: Use this to define a small image associated with the rank.
Ranks images should be in the /templates/template_name/images/ranks/ for all installed styles.
4. Set access to the section from specific number of posts
Create group (look to 1st point), to which users are automatically added from a certain number of posts. Next in AP > Forum Admin > Permissions choosen forum set to private and in permissions of group allow acces to this section.
(original content)