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phpBB2 by Przemo
Support forów phpBB2 modified by Przemo

F.A.Q. - Read it first! - Before you ask question

Matteo - 01-09-2010, 19:50
Temat postu: Before you ask question
Before you ask us about help with forum, you can alone have a try combine something…

I give here few examples, what you can try to do…

Contents list:
1) Repair tables,
2) Table doesn't exist,
3) Synchronize forums/topics/posts/users,
4) Cache,

Ad 1)
Probably happened to you, that displays you error type:
Could not query last visit posts


SQL Error : 145 Table 'phpbb_read_history' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

SELECT post_id, topic_id, forum_id FROM phpbb_read_history WHERE user_id = 2

Line : 41
File : read_history.php

Couldn't access list of Categories


SQL Error : 145 Table 'phpbb_categories' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

SELECT * FROM phpbb_categories ORDER BY cat_order, cat_id

Line : 195
File : functions.php

Let's try to read this error…
Example 1:
SQL Error : 145 Table 'phpbb_read_history' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

In this case, try to repair it sending query by example phpMyAdmin:
REPAIR TABLE `phpbb_read_history`;

Example 2:
SQL Error : 145 Table 'phpbb_categories' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

So, we use earlier query, only changing in it name of tablei:
REPAIR TABLE `phpbb_categories`;

Ad 2)
Sometimes (usually with forum moving) show up errors type:
phpBB by Przemo : Critical Error

Error doing DB query userdata row fetch


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'xxx.phpbb_users' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM phpbb_users WHERE user_id = -1

Line : 420
File : sessions.php

This means, that table phpbb_users is missing. This error display usually, when we give wrong prefix in config.php file.
Therefore, let's check it…
Go to the phpMyAdmin and we should see tables, usually name of tables begins just prefix phpbb_, but if there are another prefix we must go to file config.php and change prefix, example:
If in phpMyAdmin we have prefix xxx_ that change:
$table_prefix = 'phpbb_';

$table_prefix = 'xxx_';

If proved that is not in this issue, check, whether certainly we have this table. If not – probably we delete it in case or database was hacked. In this case contact with your hosting provider and please of last database backup.

Ad 3)
Maybe you happened, that, when you make a post on your forum display blank page, or you see that in x forum is visible, that someone written x post yesterday, but really today someone other written another post there.

In this case you should look to:
If in database are some errors, then go to Administration Panel and in order we doing synchronize:
Forums (and in this: number of topics in the forum, number of posts in the forum, latest post in the forum, number of replies to topics, the latest post on topics).

Ad 4)
If after any changes in template files etc don't see changes on forum, that remember to clean cache on forum! Administration Panel => Admin Index => Under of the users online list „Clear Cache: SQL & templates”.

I hope, that small FAQ little help you.

If after all of this you can't cope with error on forum, calmly you can write new topic :)

(original content)

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